55+ Formula

55+ Formula

More than a scientific formula, it’s a mark of alignment with the Act1 values.

55+ a formula for living

All the biggest causes of illness today are lifestyle and environment-based, with genetics playing only a small role in modern maladies. So that means if you want to live well, you must take ownership of your own well-being. You must stay active. You must nourish your body. You must commit to lifelong learning. And you must give yourself the respect that you deserve.

You’ve come a long way and you’ve worked hard your whole life. You deserve this.

To support the Act1 philosophy comes a range of cosmetic and nutritional products specifically designed for the demands of the mature body. Using the best natural ingredients, such as aloe vera and hyaluronic acid, they have been formulated by leading experts in the field of aging. This scientific know-how, these unique recipes for better living, and the science behind our approach, come together to create a special formula that we call 55+.

More than a scientific equation, the 55+ Formula is a mindset, a way of life, and an on-going quest for better ways of living. It is a journey of scientific research and development, with no end-goal, just a commitment to continual improvement and refinement to support mind, body, and spirit. And it is also a seal of approval that we give to any product or philosophy that aligns with our values. When you see the 55+ logo, you know that it supports a life well lived.